Jul, 2014

Ramadhan with Panca Budi

In welcoming the month of Ramadhan 1435H, Panca Budi, Expert Plastic Bags enliven the atmosphere of this holy month through TV programs sundries Ramadhan in Coverage 6 SCTV.
Serba-Serbi segment of Ramadan is to discuss the specific issues associated with such a unique culinary Ramadan, a place to hunt or charity iftar in Ramadan.
Serba-Serbi Ramadan program is one segment of several segments that exist in each program 6 Coverage Coverage 6 SCTV good morning, afternoon and evening. For coverage of Ramadan Rumble Seat 6 am there in segment 4 (start around 5:40 pm), Coverage 6 afternoon in segment 3 (starting around 12:20 pm pkl), Coverage 6 pm in segment 3 (starting around 16:20 pm).
And this program is fully presented by Panca Budi, expert of the plastic bag.

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