Audit Committee

The Company has established an Audit Committee as required by OJK Regulation no. 55 / POJK.04 / 2015 and the Decree of the Board of Directors of BEI no. Kep. 00001 / BEI / 01-2014 concerning Amendment to Regulation no. I-A concerning Recording of Shares and Equity Securities In addition to Shares Issued by Listed Company. Based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of the Company. 001 / PBI-DK / III / 2017 dated March 21, 2017 regarding the Appointment of Audit Committee, the composition of the Audit Committee is as follows:

Indonesian citizen, He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Oklahoma State University majoring in Chemical Engineering in 1993 and pursued his Master of Business Administration, Meinders School of Business at Oklahoma City University majoring in Finance in 1995. He has been an Independent Commissioner of the Company since 2017.

Prior to his appointment as Independent Commissioner, he held several positions as follows:

1995 - 1996


Assistant Manager of Financial Reporting & System PharmChem Laboratories, Inc. USA.

1996 - 1999


Financial Controller PT Sparindo Mustika.

1999 - 2002


Director of PT Bahtera Adimina Samudra Tbk.

2002 - Present


Commissioner of PT Usaha Mas Jasatama.

An Indonesian citizen, completed a B.A (Bachelor of Art) degree in Accounting at Ohio Dominican College, Columbus, Ohio, USA in 1985 and completed his Master's degree in Accounting and Finance, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA 1988.

Served as a member of the Audit Committee of the Company since 2017. He currently serves as Director of PT Aman Mandiri Artha Nirmala (2000-present), Financial Advisory Kompak Group (2000), Financial Advisory Djajanti Group (1997), Vice President of ADS (1994), General Manager of PT Altana Investama (1990), and General Manager of Capital Market of PT South East Asia Bank Ltd. (1988-1990).

Indonesian citizen, completed his undergraduate degree from Syiah Kuala University, majoring in Accounting in 1986 and completed his S2 degree from the Institute of Indonesian Entrepreneurship Development in 1997.

Served as a member of the Audit Committee of the Company since 2017. In addition to serving as a member of the Audit Committee, he is currently also the Head of KAP Drs. Sutopo Insja since 2002, Chairman of KKP Sutopo Insja & Rekan since 2009 and Chairman of Law Firm Sutopo Insja & Associates since 2014.

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